Binance Data Plugin

Enjoy crypto/altcoins realtime data in Amibroker !

Binance.US version of this Plugin is available as well

General Information About The Plugin

Binance Data Plugin provides cryptocurrency data from Binance Exchange.

Minimum supported version of Amibroker is 5.27

With standard settings bar time provided is in UTC time zone.

Lowest supported interval is 1m.

Plugin supports all symbols available at Binance Exchange.

Plugin Installation

1. Copy both BinanceDataPlugin.dll and BinancePluginLicense.dat to C:\Program Files (x86)\Amibroker\Plugins (or to corresponding x64 directory for 64-bit dll)

Plugin Directory

2. Close Amibroker (if it was open) and start again

Amibroker Database Configuration:

  1. File -> New -> Database
  2. Enter database name (for example: 'BinanceData1H') and uncheck 'Load database at startup'
  3. Press 'Create'
  4. As a Data Source choose 'Binance Data Plugin'
  5. Enter number of bars - 100.000 minimum, for 1min interval it is better to set more, like 200-300 thousands
  6. Choose desired interval - like 1h
  7. Press 'OK'

You can find more detailed information about Database Settings and Intraday Settings here. Intraday to EOD compression is described here. Global Intraday settings are described here (in 'Intraday tab' section).

After entering the symbol available on Binance, like 'BTCUSDT', and confirming that you want to add this symbol to the database, in a short moment chart should be populated with data for the chosen symbol. For Binance Futures symbols you'll need to use BFUT: prefix, for example 'BFUT:BTCUSDT'.

Binance Data Plugin

Backfilling Historical Data

To extend historical data for the current symbol double-click on a chart while holding <Ctrl><Shift> key combination.

To import historical data for multiple symbols open BulkImport dialog available under plugin right-click menu in the bottom right corner. Please keep in mind this functionality is fully dependent on availability of the data on

Bulk Import Dialog

A short video demonstrating basic functionality of the plugin

FREE Version

Free Version of the Binance Data Plugin can be downloaded here (32-bit version) and here (64-bit version)

Free Version doesn't require BinancePluginLicense.dat file.

Free Version expires periodically - in this case just download the newest version from the links above and replace your current DLL.

Free Version offers no support, there is no realtime functionality, and only supports pairs vs USDT.
